Measuring Electricity from a Photovoltaic

November 30, 2014
I just posted a new video. The main difference with the lab manual is that instead of using a DC wattmeter I use two multimeters: One is set up to measure amps and the other is set up to measure volts. Most high schools and colleges already have multimeters (used is physics) so this can save you money. This is the same way I measured electricity generated from a cordless drill. In this new video I also incorporated a slightly more simplified equation for calculating the cost-effectiveness of solar panels. Unfortunately I did not think of this when I wrote the second edition of the lab manual, but those who have this edition can easily make the modifications in your book.

Producing Hydrocarbon Fuels from Scratch

November 26, 2014
The production of hydrocarbons using carbon dioxide and hydrogen (obtained from water) is not new, but this plant in Germany is the first time it is being done on an industrial scale. The hydrogen is obtained from water by means of electrolysis. The carbon dioxide is reduced to carbon monoxide. These two feedstocks, H2 and CO are then subjected to Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis from production of a wide variety of hydrocarbon fuels. The facility currently produces about a barrel a day. Hopefully, ...
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Multi-Use Water Barrage in Singapore

November 12, 2014
I visited Singapore in 1999 and was amazed at the cleanliness and efficiency of this city. Only when I visited some of its open markets was I reminded that I was visiting one of the most crowded cities on Earth. So it did not surprise me to see this article about this aesthetically pleasing water barrage that serves mainly as a means of flood control and storing freshwater, and secondarily as a recreational "green space" for the city's inhabitants.

According to the CIA fact book, Singapore has...
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Exhibiting at the Pennsylvania Science Teacher Conference

November 7, 2014
I will be exhibiting December 4-5 at the conference of the Pennsylvania association of science teachers in State College, PA. I will make available copies of the new edition of my lab manual, free samples, and sample activities (including the "homemade" fuel cell). This should give me better exposure than the conference in MD because the exhibits will last for two days (instead of one) and PA has double the population of MD. Stop by my booth if you are in town.

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Maryland Science Teacher Conference

October 31, 2014
Last week I attended the Maryland Science Teacher Conference as an exhibitor promoting the second edition of my lab manual. I used most of the table to display activities from the manual. The display that got the most attention was the "homemade" fuel cell that was being used to run a digital watch. It consisted of platinum coated nickel electrodes in a semi-solid aqueous solution consisting of agar, water, and sodium sulfate. The bubbles sticking to the electrodes produced enough current to ...
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Indoor Urban Farming

October 3, 2014
Here is an article on the viability of indoor urban farms. As a graduate student in the 1990's I visited a hydroponics farm in Texas where they grew strawberries and combined it with fish culture. I also visited an indoor shrimp farm that used recirculated salt water I do not know today if they are still in business. At any rate, the idea of growing food in crowded cities is interesting. In order to compete with traditional food sources they use different marketing strategies. Currently, food...
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Second Edition Updates

September 26, 2014
The second edition is finished. I have updated the lab manual page to reflect this, and changed the posted excerpts to incorporate the final corrections. To save printing costs I have removed the last activity from the printed book and put it into the CD as a "supplement" because it has many pages, and is too difficult for most environmental science students. I like this activity (Chemistry of Flue Gas Desulfurization), but to be honest I only used this activity on my AP chemistry students. I...
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Electric Scooter with Battery You Can Charge In Your House

September 20, 2014
One of the biggest disadvantages of electric vehicles is access to charging stations. People who own houses can have charging stations installed on their property, but what about those who live in apartments? This motor scooter has a battery that is easily removed for charging inside your flat. Despite a modest weight of less than 17 lbs, it provides a range of about 60 miles.

I am afraid of riding motor cycles and motor scooters. Perhaps with some adjustments this idea can be applied to very ...
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A Visual Perspective What You Get From Copper and Diamond Mines

September 8, 2014
Do not forget to recycle those batteries! This photoshop gives you perspective on how much target material you get out of mines. One of the biggest problems with the mining of metal ores is that the environmental costs are not incorporated into the monetary cost of the product. Consequently, taxpayers usually take up the tab for remediation of the toxic residues from the ores of nickel and copper, not to mention the ripped up landscape (I do not know if this is also true of diamond mines). In...
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Presenting at the Maryland Association of Science Teacher's Conference

September 6, 2014
I will be presenting one of my lab activities at a conference for the Maryland Association of Science Teachers (MAST). My presentation will be on Saturday, October 18 from 9:30-10:30 AM. In addition to presenting, I will also be at a table where I will be selling copies of the newest edition of the lab manual. Since this table space will be much more than I need, I will use most of this space to do demonstrations that will hopefully get people's attention.
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About this blog

This blog was originally created in January 2013 to serve as a means for providing updates on science activities from the environmental science lab manual Ecology, Development, and Sustainability. I have now expanded its purpose to include other items of interest to science teachers. 

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