Browsing Archive: October, 2014

Maryland Science Teacher Conference

Posted by Antonio Chaves on Friday, October 31, 2014,
Last week I attended the Maryland Science Teacher Conference as an exhibitor promoting the second edition of my lab manual. I used most of the table to display activities from the manual. The display that got the most attention was the "homemade" fuel cell that was being used to run a digital watch. It consisted of platinum coated nickel electrodes in a semi-solid aqueous solution consisting of agar, water, and sodium sulfate. The bubbles sticking to the electrodes produced enough current to ...
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Indoor Urban Farming

Posted by Antonio Chaves on Friday, October 3, 2014, In : environmental news 
Here is an article on the viability of indoor urban farms. As a graduate student in the 1990's I visited a hydroponics farm in Texas where they grew strawberries and combined it with fish culture. I also visited an indoor shrimp farm that used recirculated salt water I do not know today if they are still in business. At any rate, the idea of growing food in crowded cities is interesting. In order to compete with traditional food sources they use different marketing strategies. Currently, food...
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About this blog

This blog was originally created in January 2013 to serve as a means for providing updates on science activities from the environmental science lab manual Ecology, Development, and Sustainability. I have now expanded its purpose to include other items of interest to science teachers. 

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