Browsing Archive: August, 2015

Lab Manual Addendum

Posted by Antonio Chaves on Friday, August 21, 2015, In : modified lab procedures 
I have just written an addendum with updates and improvements to four of the lab activities. If you already have a copy of the lab manual, please download a copy to keep your book up to date.

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Video Page Re-make

Posted by Antonio Chaves on Sunday, August 16, 2015,
I have just re-organized the video page by replacing all of the Youtube videos with Vimeo. The reason I did this is because Vimeo allows viewers to download personal copies of the videos. I want people who purchase the lab manual to be able to watch these videos offline in case the internet connection in their school is down.
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Busy Summer

Posted by Antonio Chaves on Saturday, August 8, 2015,
I have not posted anything because I was in China for two weeks (family reasons) and I was brutally busy in the preceding weeks. These days I will be preparing my exhibit for the annual meeting of the American Ecological Society. It is only 40 minutes from where I live so this is a rare opportunity for me to display my book for instructors all over the U.S.
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About this blog

This blog was originally created in January 2013 to serve as a means for providing updates on science activities from the environmental science lab manual Ecology, Development, and Sustainability. I have now expanded its purpose to include other items of interest to science teachers. 

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